Do you want to stand out in the world? Then be your self. Be what you really are.
You and I are born equal but also different. Avoid following the crowd. Be an engine not a caboose. It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
Average people will rather be wrong than be different. Dare to be different. Follow your own star. Conformity is the enemy of growth and satisfaction.
The more you develop your potential, the less you will become like someone else. Trying to be like someone else is self defeating.
The book of Romans says, "God has given each of us the ability to do certain things" we can't reach our destiny taking another man's road.
Do not follow where the path may lead - go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
You can't be common. The common go nowhere. You must be uncommon to be a champion.
No man can be ideally successful until he has found his place. Like a locomotive, strong on the track but weak anywhere else.
*Discover and be yourself; no one is better qualified*
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