Sunday, November 6, 2016

A MUST READ! Financial Breakthrough Secret.


I always think about the parable of the sower and the seed that fell on the good ground bringing in a 100 food return.

I have made investments that gave me a thirty fold and even sixty fold returns but few have given me a 100 fold. Out of curiosity I have studied carefully those few investments that gave me a 100 fold and have come to discover a recurring character.
The seed in the parable prospered because it fell on the good soil. Those investments I made also did well for locational reasons especially the right markets.

Take for instance a product as common as popcorn. N100 worth of popcorn can be sold for as much as N1000 in movie theatres.
There is this external romance between the popcorn and the theatre. It's just the perfect soil for that seed.

The greatest gift of an entrepreneur is the capacity to discover potential markets for his products. There is a market for every product. Find it and money will look for you.

There is someone, somewhere desperately dependent on your gift, idea or product for survival. If you discover this person or people you will resolve the mystery of your finances.
"And others fell into the good ground and yielded fruit, growing up and increasing and brought forth thirty fold, sixty fold and a hundred fold". Mark 4:8.


1) Pray for Inspiration because Inspiration comes from God!

2) Set a target with a specific date or timeline.

3) Break your processes down into step-by-step guide that will help you achieve sub-targets daily, monthly and annually until it coincides with your target.

4) Take action today because your future is here with you today and right now.


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