Friday, July 29, 2016

'GUILTY' or 'NOT GUILTY'; US GOVT: Fayose’s Allegation on President Buhari’s Wife Aisha Was True

The United States Justice Department, revealed that the All Progressive Congress, APC, Presidential Candidate, Muhammadu Buhari’s wife, Aisha Buhari (posing as Buhari’s daughter), was used as conduit and engaged in fraudulent wire transfers, from her Nigerian account in favour of Congressman Jefferson, via the ANJ Group LLC.
The US District Court Memo, states that Congressman William J. Jefferson, between August 2000 and August 2005, sought hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of himself and family members.

In return, the defendant used his congressional office to promote the business interests of bribe-paying companies, whose very success was dependent upon the approvals of certain United States and West African government agencies and officials.
Congressman Jefferson, further compounded his criminal culpability by conspiring with others to pay a bribe to the then-sitting Vice President of Nigeria.
The WhistleNG, in an exclusive report, stated that in hushed and sometimes cryptic taped recorded conversations, Congressman Jefferson, explained in details how the success of the Nigerian telecommunications venture depended on bribing the Vice President of Nigeria, who the defendant described as “really corrupt.”
The US District Court during their investigation, also revealed that Williams Jefferson, in one of his numerous bribe schemes, wired $170,000 to a Nigerian account in the name of Aisha Buhari.
“During the investigation of his numerous bribe schemes, law enforcement agents learned of several wire transfers from offshore territories into U.S. financial accounts, that were either controlled by the defendant or whose proceeds were made available for his benefit.

See Donald C. Semesky, Jr., Tr. at 104 – 116; see also Government Exhibits 36-87 (6/26/02 $170,000 wire transfer from account in Nigeria in the name of Aisha Buhari, to an account in the name of The ANJ Group, LLC, identifying “William Jefferson” as Beneficiary), Government Exhibits 36-90 and 36-91 (11/28/03 $50,000 wire transfer from account in British Virgin Islands in the name of Dawson Creek Traders to an account in the name of Jefferson Interests, Inc.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, in their report dated June 22, 2006 also stated that former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, was summoned by the US government for Investigation into the iGate/NDTV business deals involving Congressman Jefferson, which also contained Haija Aisha M. Buhari’s bank records and transfer history.
A story by New York Times in 2007, detailing the track of this Aisha Buhari, did not say she was the president’s wife, but that she claimed to be his daughter.
Joshua Assiba, an African migrant who knew the Aisha in question, said she was a very affluent woman who spent thousands of dollars shopping at a pharmacy in the US.
Assiba, who was a security guard at the time, said he struck up a conversation with Aisha and subsequently became friends, adding that “she told him that her father was the former military ruler of Nigeria, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and that her American friends included politicians like Mr. Jefferson of Louisiana”.
The international passport of the said Aisha, obtained by TheCable, also shows she is not the same as Aisha the president’s wife.
The faces are clearly not alike.
But her claims that she is the president’s daughter would look credible to anyone.
According to the passport numbered A034120637, Aisha is surnamed Buhari, and has a given name Mohammadu, not Muhammadu as the president spells his name, and was born in Daura on August 4, 1975 – four years younger than the president’s wife, who was born in February, 1971.
The passport was issued by the Nigerian embassy in Washington DC on January 19, 2012 – and neither the president’s wife nor his daughter ever lived in the US, and could not reasonably have travelled to the US to obtain a Nigerian passport.
Reports from New York Times Story (April 29, 2007) revealed Aisha Buhari on the dubious $1.2m campaigning contract, to help the former Akwa Ibom State Gov., Obong Attah, boost his image and attract investment to Akwa Ibom in his bid to become President of Nigeria, as well as a contract where Aisha Buhari, served as a consultant to orchestrate enormous name golfers to go to the opening of the Uyo Golf Resort, commissioned by former Governor, Obong Attah.
As indicated by the New York Times story, “she (Aisha Buhari) told him that her father was the former military ruler of Nigeria, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and that her American friends included politicians like Mr. Jefferson of Louisiana.”
The former Governor, also verified the claim by the New York Times when he said, he knows Ms. Buhari’s daughter, who is still a powerful Nigerian politician, by reputation. He also met her, he said, in 2001 when she accompanied a group of American politicians that included Mr. Jefferson to Akwa Ibom, to see oil-related pollution problems there.
“All I needed to do was ask Aisha if she knew him,” Mr. Attah recalls.
General Buhari, has since denied that Aisha Buhari is his daughter, in spite of the contrary proofs, pretty much as he denied his adopted son, Mr. Mohammed Buhari, who was likewise captured in May 2014, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for swindling a woman Mrs. Nwokwocha Florence, of N20m to put resources into an oil and gas business with a guarantee to make mouthwatering returns to the woman.

I think Mrs Aisha Buhari need not exchange words with Mr Ayo Fayose, I believe the best way to shot the governor up is to visit the USA this Summer.
When that is done, Mr Fayose can then calmly swallow his words, but if thatios not done then Mr Fayose might have open the eyes of Nigerians to the biggest Hypocrisy of the century.
I rest my case.....


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