Saturday, July 30, 2016

Zlatan Scores on his Manchester United Debut.

"KING" Zlatan Ibrahimovic showed why he is called the King of Goals as he opens his Manchester United carrer with a scissors kick GOAL with just 3 minutes of the game played against Galatasary in Sweden.

Friday, July 29, 2016

'GUILTY' or 'NOT GUILTY'; US GOVT: Fayose’s Allegation on President Buhari’s Wife Aisha Was True

The United States Justice Department, revealed that the All Progressive Congress, APC, Presidential Candidate, Muhammadu Buhari’s wife, Aisha Buhari (posing as Buhari’s daughter), was used as conduit and engaged in fraudulent wire transfers, from her Nigerian account in favour of Congressman Jefferson, via the ANJ Group LLC.
The US District Court Memo, states that Congressman William J. Jefferson, between August 2000 and August 2005, sought hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of himself and family members.

In return, the defendant used his congressional office to promote the business interests of bribe-paying companies, whose very success was dependent upon the approvals of certain United States and West African government agencies and officials.
Congressman Jefferson, further compounded his criminal culpability by conspiring with others to pay a bribe to the then-sitting Vice President of Nigeria.
The WhistleNG, in an exclusive report, stated that in hushed and sometimes cryptic taped recorded conversations, Congressman Jefferson, explained in details how the success of the Nigerian telecommunications venture depended on bribing the Vice President of Nigeria, who the defendant described as “really corrupt.”
The US District Court during their investigation, also revealed that Williams Jefferson, in one of his numerous bribe schemes, wired $170,000 to a Nigerian account in the name of Aisha Buhari.
“During the investigation of his numerous bribe schemes, law enforcement agents learned of several wire transfers from offshore territories into U.S. financial accounts, that were either controlled by the defendant or whose proceeds were made available for his benefit.

See Donald C. Semesky, Jr., Tr. at 104 – 116; see also Government Exhibits 36-87 (6/26/02 $170,000 wire transfer from account in Nigeria in the name of Aisha Buhari, to an account in the name of The ANJ Group, LLC, identifying “William Jefferson” as Beneficiary), Government Exhibits 36-90 and 36-91 (11/28/03 $50,000 wire transfer from account in British Virgin Islands in the name of Dawson Creek Traders to an account in the name of Jefferson Interests, Inc.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, in their report dated June 22, 2006 also stated that former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, was summoned by the US government for Investigation into the iGate/NDTV business deals involving Congressman Jefferson, which also contained Haija Aisha M. Buhari’s bank records and transfer history.
A story by New York Times in 2007, detailing the track of this Aisha Buhari, did not say she was the president’s wife, but that she claimed to be his daughter.
Joshua Assiba, an African migrant who knew the Aisha in question, said she was a very affluent woman who spent thousands of dollars shopping at a pharmacy in the US.
Assiba, who was a security guard at the time, said he struck up a conversation with Aisha and subsequently became friends, adding that “she told him that her father was the former military ruler of Nigeria, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and that her American friends included politicians like Mr. Jefferson of Louisiana”.
The international passport of the said Aisha, obtained by TheCable, also shows she is not the same as Aisha the president’s wife.
The faces are clearly not alike.
But her claims that she is the president’s daughter would look credible to anyone.
According to the passport numbered A034120637, Aisha is surnamed Buhari, and has a given name Mohammadu, not Muhammadu as the president spells his name, and was born in Daura on August 4, 1975 – four years younger than the president’s wife, who was born in February, 1971.
The passport was issued by the Nigerian embassy in Washington DC on January 19, 2012 – and neither the president’s wife nor his daughter ever lived in the US, and could not reasonably have travelled to the US to obtain a Nigerian passport.
Reports from New York Times Story (April 29, 2007) revealed Aisha Buhari on the dubious $1.2m campaigning contract, to help the former Akwa Ibom State Gov., Obong Attah, boost his image and attract investment to Akwa Ibom in his bid to become President of Nigeria, as well as a contract where Aisha Buhari, served as a consultant to orchestrate enormous name golfers to go to the opening of the Uyo Golf Resort, commissioned by former Governor, Obong Attah.
As indicated by the New York Times story, “she (Aisha Buhari) told him that her father was the former military ruler of Nigeria, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and that her American friends included politicians like Mr. Jefferson of Louisiana.”
The former Governor, also verified the claim by the New York Times when he said, he knows Ms. Buhari’s daughter, who is still a powerful Nigerian politician, by reputation. He also met her, he said, in 2001 when she accompanied a group of American politicians that included Mr. Jefferson to Akwa Ibom, to see oil-related pollution problems there.
“All I needed to do was ask Aisha if she knew him,” Mr. Attah recalls.
General Buhari, has since denied that Aisha Buhari is his daughter, in spite of the contrary proofs, pretty much as he denied his adopted son, Mr. Mohammed Buhari, who was likewise captured in May 2014, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, for swindling a woman Mrs. Nwokwocha Florence, of N20m to put resources into an oil and gas business with a guarantee to make mouthwatering returns to the woman.

I think Mrs Aisha Buhari need not exchange words with Mr Ayo Fayose, I believe the best way to shot the governor up is to visit the USA this Summer.
When that is done, Mr Fayose can then calmly swallow his words, but if thatios not done then Mr Fayose might have open the eyes of Nigerians to the biggest Hypocrisy of the century.
I rest my case.....


Saturday, July 23, 2016


My friend sent this piece to a Watsapp group that I belong to, I took it up edited it and published it here for us to read, learn and implement it. 

High cost of litigation has caused a lot of Nigerian citizens to overlook incessant breaches of their fundamental human right. It is against this background that this article has been put up as a guide to enforcement of fundamental human right without engaging the services of a lawyer if you cannot afford one.

If any of your fundamental human right, guaranteed under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended;  (see sections 33 – 46) has been, is been, or is likely to be infringed, you can, without the help of a lawyer, apply to the court (State High Court or Federal High Court) in the state where the infringement occurred, or is likely to occur, for redress by taking the following steps.

STEP 1: Prepare a written application.

The application should be type-written (preferably in an A-4 size document).
This application shall include a statement setting out your name and description, the relief sought (ie exactly what you want the court to do for you).
You can buy a copy of the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules 2009.
This document contains all the rules guiding the enforcement of fundamental right. You can see the example of the application at the back of the document.
It is called "Form 1".

STEP 2: Prepare an affidavit.

An affidavit is a statement of facts made under oath. Here you are only expected to tell the story of what actually happened, and take it to the commissioner of oath in the high court. However before taking it for swearing at the court, you have to attach it to the application you made in step one above. If you cannot make the affidavit, probably because you are in detention, you can give the information about what happened to any other person, who shall make the affidavit on your behalf, though he must state in the affidavit that you are the person who gave him the information, and also state where and when you gave him the information.

STEP 3: Prepare a written address.

Ordinarily, whenever you approach the court, you are expected to talk to the judge, telling him why you have approached him and what you expect from him. This is exactly what you are expected to do under this step. But this time around, instead of talking to the judge with ordinary word of mouth, you reduce every thing you will tell him in writing.

This write-up is what is called written address.

In your written address you have to refer the court to those sections of the constitution (sections 33-46) that were contravened by the person(s) that breached your human rights and then urge him to either restrain the person or award damages against the person for the breach that have occurred already.

STEP 4: File the documents in court.

Having prepared all the documents, the next thing is to convert them into “Court Processes” by taking them to the court for filling.
When you get to the court, proceed straight to the court’s registry. There, the documents would be accessed for filling fee. After the assessment, you pay the filling fee and ask for date for the hearing of the application. Also find out the court where the case is assigned to. Ordinarily, the application is supposed to be fixed for hearing within seven days from the day it was filed.

STEP 5: Engage the court bailiff to serve the respondent(s).

Since the case is between you and the respondent(s) i.e. the person(s) that breached your right, it is important that they know that there is a case pending against the. This been the case, it is the duty of the courts bailiff to serve the court's processes to them. Accordingly, you have to notify a court bailiff that you have filed a case against someone. You then take the bailiff, acting as the pointer to the people you sued by identifying them for the bailiff to serve them with the court's process.

STEP 6: Attend court proceedings .

Finally, on the day the case is fixed for hearing, attend the proceedings.
Usually, the time for court’s sittings in Nigeria is 9:00 am.
Make sure you are in the court before the time. Having ascertain the particular court hall where your case is fixed for hearing at the court’s registry on the day you filed the case, you have to now move strait to that particular court. When you get there, meet the court’s clerks, and ask them the number of your case in the course list. A course list is a list containing the cases fixed for hearing in a particular court for the day. Having ascertained that, go and sit down where non lawyers sit. Listen attentively to hear when your case is called-up.

When the case is called answer “sir”. If the judge asks for your lawyer, tell him that you don’t have one and the case will proceed.

That's it my people;
God Speed...


BUHARI is a Liar! Militants to Buhari: We’re not aware of your peace talks; Vanguard

THERE was misapprehension yesterday over the statement from President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday that the Federal Government was holding dialogue with militants in the Niger Delta region to end pipeline bombings as the foremost militant group, Niger Delta Avengers, NDA and other groups denied such talks. The bombings have devastated the economy.

Militants vs Buhari

President Buhari, while speaking with the outgoing Ambassador of Germany to Nigeria, Mr. Michael Zinner, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, confirmed that government was in dialogue with Niger Delta militants towards putting a stop to pipeline vandalism and violence in the region. He said the negotiations were done through oil companies and law enforcement agencies.

Besides the militants, former national chairman of the Traditional Rulers of Oil Mineral Producing Communities of Nigeria, TROMPCON and paramount ruler of Siembiri Kingdom, Delta State, HRM Charles Ayemi-Botu and the Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, said it was disappointing  for the government to say that oil companies and security agents were the ones engaged in the negotiation.

However, the Centre for Peace and Environmental Justice, CEPEJ, welcomed what it said seemed like a volte face on dialogue by President  Buhari but urged the President  to engage critical stakeholders of the region, and not just militants.

FG talking to mercenaries – Avengers

Niger Delta Avengers in a swift reaction to President Buhari’s statement  that government was talking to Niger Delta militants through the oil companies and security agencies, said: “Our attention has been drawn to media reports that the President is in touch with Niger Delta agitators, including the Niger Delta Avengers. But the truth is that we are not aware of any peace talk.”

Their spokesman, Mudoch Agbinibo who issued the statement, said, “If there is any such peace talk, it means the President is talking to their mercenaries set to disturb the genuine struggle of the agitators. President Buhari led government is not sincere to the Nigerian people and their foreign allies”.

According to NDA,  “If we are to engage in any peace talks, we made it clear that the international community must be part of it. The President knows our demands. Therefore, the government  should stop deceiving the international oil companies, the general public and the international community.”

Stop the joke-Ayemi- Botu

Responding to Buhari’s declaration, HRM  Ayemi-Botu said: “The statement credited to President Buhari to the outgoing German Ambassador that ‘we are talking with the militants’ as widely published in the electronic and print media gave us some hope and temporary relief .”

“But the fact that Mr. President further stated that it is the security agencies and multinational oil companies that are doing the talking or negotiating with the militants, while the militants on the other hand stated that government was not talking with them, gives me cause for worry. More so, they blew up a PPMC pipeline some days ago,”

The monarch said, “it sounds like a cat and mouse game because security men are hunting for them up till Thursday in Warri.  So, how can they be discussing. Militants cannot negotiate with security agents. Or is it the oil companies which the militants have asked to stop operating and quit their areas of operations that are dialoguing with the militants, “the royal father asked.

He asserted: “My candid appeal to Buhari is to take the bull by the horns and emulate late President Umaru Yar’ Adua to appoint prominent personalities, including traditional rulers, opinion leaders and chiefs to dialogue on the protracted Niger Delta issues with a view to having lasting solution.

“Apparently, a situation whereby the President is telling the world that security agents and oil companies are delegated or mandated to dialogue with the militants may not work. We should call a spade, a spade,” he said.

President’s advisers should advise him well- IYC

Meanwhile, the Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, in a statement by its spokesperson, Mr. Eric Omare, said:   “The government should stop deceiving Nigerians and the international community about talks with Niger Delta militants on how to stop attacks on oil facilities in the Niger Delta region.”

“It may not be right for the President  to say that his government is negotiating with Niger Delta militants through oil companies and law enforcement agencies during the farewell audience with Mr. Michael Zinner, the outgoing Ambassador to Germany on Thursday, the 21st of July, 2016.

“It is even embarrassing for the President of an independent nation such as Nigeria to say that it is oil companies that are negotiating for peace with Niger Delta agitators, which in effect amounts to surrendering a lot to international oil companies,” the council said.

It added:  “The IYC wonders if Nigeria is back to pre-colonial and independence Royal Niger Company days where international companies govern Nigeria. The point must be made that the issues at stake are completely beyond the capacity of oil companies to resolve.”

“For the umpteenth time, the IYC call on the aides and advisers of President Buhari to properly advise him on how to solve the current hostilities in the Niger Delta region and equally display a determination to resolve the problem as his predecessors did.

“Only a sincere and holistic dialogue with the people of the Niger Delta region which is aimed at addressing the remote causes of recurrent militancy can bring permanent peace to the Niger Delta region. This can only happen when President Buhari as the political leader of Nigeria come down to the negotiation table,” IYC said.

Avoid jamboree- CEPEJ

Speaking through its national coordinator, Sheriff Mulade, CEPEJ, thumbed up the federal government for going ahead with the peace talks, but cautioned against “engaging the militants alone in the peace parley.”

“We suggest that critical stakeholders should be identified and engaged by the government, otherwise government would create more rooms for other pseudo militant groups to emerge.

“CEPEJ wants the government to hold town meetings with the communities and address their social problems and also talk to the oil firms, and find out their relationships with the communities. The engagement should be more comprehensive, beyond the militants.

‘’If the government wants to truly resolve the issues, it should involve critical leaders and not political stakeholders; otherwise it will be another jamboree and failed attempts. The fundamental issues are clear: the people of the Niger Delta need development and remediation of their environment, which has been devastated by years of oil and gas exploration and exploitative activities,” the group said.

It added: ‘’the politicians are the beneficiaries of the system. When they are fraternizing with the militants on one hand, they want to end militancy on the other. That is why we said the government should not make it a political talk; rather Niger Delta stakeholders at the grass-roots should be involved,”

The NGO condemns in strongest terms the continued bombings of oil and gas installations by the rampaging Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) after a lull in their nefarious activities, saying that the renewed bombings have affected the gains recorded in recent weeks, and caused more damage to the environment, the only heritage of the people.

“The Center is of the opinion that the continued bombings of oil and gas facilities were not doing the region any good, rather they were adversely affecting the environment and slowing down the economy.

“We reiterate our appeal to militants in the Niger Delta to sheathe their swords and allow peace to reign as no development can take place in an environment wrecked by conflicts and environmental degradation,” CEPEJ stated.

What Buhari said

The President , who gave the confirmation of dialogue with militants through the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu,  while granting farewell audience to the outgoing Ambassador of Germany to Nigeria, Mr. Michael Zinner, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, said the talks were being done through oil companies and law-enforcement agencies and was aimed at finding  lasting solution to insecurity in the region.

He also said that his administration was studying the instruments of the Presidential Amnesty Programme inherited from the previous administration with a view to carrying out commitments made that were undelivered.

“We understand their feelings, we are studying the instruments, we have to secure the environment otherwise investment will not come. We will do our best for the country,” Shehu quoted the President as saying.


BREAKING NEWS; 10,410 Persons Arrested for Coup

– About 10, 410 people have been arrested after a failed coup in Turkey – President Erdogan said 9000 people were arrested to join about 4060 others earlier arrested – Erdogan insists that the arrest is targeting supporters of Fethullah Gulen The Turkish president, Recep Erdogan said on Friday, July 22, that the number of people who were arrested in Turkey following the last week’s attempted coup has increased to 10,410.
                                                       President-Erdogan of Turkey

Erdogan said that he number was at about 9,000, adding that the 4,060 people who were arrested earlier have been placed in detention. The rapid pace of arrests which Erdogan insists is targeting the supporters of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen. Erdogan had said that the suspects were behind the failed July 15 coup which has disturbed many of Turkey’s Western allies, who said they see Turkey going down. Meanwhile, Ankara has intensified checks on Turkish citizens leaving the country in a move to prevent people associated with the attempted coup from escaping the authorities.
“Those travelling from any of the country’s international airports will now have to provide proof of their employment. Civil servants as well as their spouses and children will need authorisation by their employer to travel. “Meanwhile other employees will have to prove that they work in the private sector and are therefore not civil servants,’’ sources close to the government said. The government has vowed to “clean” the civil service from Gulen supporters. All civil servants have been banned from going on holiday, while those currently abroad have been asked to return home.
Turkey entered into a 90-day state of emergency on Thursday, which Erdogan has said is necessary to restore order after the coup, which left 260 dead. “Turkey is also demanding that the U.S. extradite Gulen. Citizens have to defend themselves against the “most insidious and vile coup attempt in the history of the Turkish people,” Erdogan said.
People have indeed continued to celebrate the crushing of the coup since the weekend. Thousands gathered overnight on the Bosporous Bridge, which was occupied by troops in tanks who fired on civilians during the coup attempt. Yasin Aktay, spokesman of Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) said “we cannot understand the criticism we’re getting from Europe about this.
“There have been two recent incidents in France and Belgium where terrorist attacks resulted in six months of states of emergency, which were extended for six months.” He added that Turkey had been the victim of multiple terrorist attacks during this time and refrained until now from issuing a state of emergency.
“The fact that we did it in this case should be applauded much more, out of the 10,410 people arrested, 7,423 were soldiers; 287 police; and 2,014 judges and prosecutors. “Furthermore, 686 civilians had been arrested.” Among the soldiers were 162 generals, almost half the generals in the second-largest army of the NATO alliance.
“Beyond the arrests, more than 37,500 civil servants and police officers have been suspended. Additionally, 21,000 teachers in private schools have lost their licences,” Aktay said.
In the light of events in Turkey, Germany has said it would slow down talks on the country’s accession to the EU. Whether or not negotiations would be halted completely, however, was not immediately clear. Germany’s government spokesman Steffen Seifert said in Berlin that “this is not a German decision after all”. The 28-member bloc started accession negotiations with Turkey 11 years ago, though progress has been slow with only 15 out of 35 negotiation chapters having been addressed and only one completed.


Friday, July 22, 2016

MUST READ...2016 Best Airline!!! What are the world's best airlines?

Farnborough, England (CNN) —

The world's best airline for 2016 is Emirates, according to a survey of millions of airline passengers conducted by Skytrax.
The international airline, based in Dubai, won the top honors at Tuesday's Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony at the Farnborough International Airshow in England.
As jet engines screamed from the Farnborough airfield and thousands of visiting aviation geeks explored the airshow, smiling flight attendants dressed in brightly colored uniforms stepped to the stage as each award was announced.

Emirates was named the best airline in this years Skytrax awards -- a big leap from last years fifth place. Its the fourth time the Dubai-based carrier has won the award.
SkyTrax also hands out a raft of other awards. AirAsia is named the worlds best low-cost carrier.
Its long-haul sister brand AirAsia X is said to have the best premium seat and cabin among budget airlines.
For the fourth successive year Norwegian Airline is voted the best low-cost airline in Europe. Its also the worlds best low-cost airline for long haul flights.
Virgin America continues dominating on the customer side in North America, said Edward Plaisted, Skytrax CEO. It won the awards for both best airline and best low-cost airline in North America.
One of the oldest airlines in the world, South African Airways topped the best airlines chart in Africa. Other winners by regions include Finnair (Northern Europe), LAN Airlines (South America), Hainan Airlines (China) and Air Astana (Central Asia/India).
With 27 member airlines, Star Alliance is the worlds largest global airline alliance. Its named as the best airline alliance in the 2016 Skytrax awards.
Cathay Pacific comes second to Etihad Airways in the category of worlds best first class airlines, but its newly reopened first class lounge The Pier -- with a full-service bar -- came first.
Its hard to beat Etihad Airways when it comes to first class catering. The airline offers a chef to serve up in-flight meals to passengers.
Skytrax has revealed its 2016 top 10 best airlines. In 10th place is German carrier Lufthansa. Its successfully climbed two places to re-enter the top 10 list.
Aussie airline Qantas, rarely absent from any top 10 list, moves up one place from 2015 to take ninth position.
After making a debut in the top 10 airline chart last year, Taiwans EVA Air climbed to eighth place this year. It was also named the best trans-Pacific airline.
Slightly down from last year (ranked fourth in 2015), Turkish Airlines was voted as the seventh best airline in the world. Its still the best airline in Europe, according to Skytrax.
One of three major Middle East carriers in the top 10, Abu Dhabis Etihad remains in sixth place this year.
Japans ANA All Nippon Airways takes the fifth spot. It also takes awards for the worlds best airport services and Asias best airline staff.
Hong Kong-based airline Cathay Pacific dropped from the third to fourth place this year.
Singapore Airlines, ranked third, is Asias best airline. It also won the title for the best business class airline seat.
A 2015 winner, Qatar came second this year. It also has the worlds best business class and business class lounge.
Emirates was named the best airline in this years Skytrax awards -- a big leap from last years fifth place. Its the fourth time the Dubai-based carrier has won the award.
SkyTrax also hands out a raft of other awards. AirAsia is named the worlds best low-cost carrier. Its long-haul sister brand AirAsia X is said to have the best premium seat and cabin among budget airlines.
For the fourth successive year Norwegian Airline is voted the best low-cost airline in Europe. Its also the worlds best low-cost airline for long haul flights.
Virgin America continues dominating on the customer side in North America route; said Edward Plaisted, Skytrax CEO. It won the awards for both best airline and best low-cost airline in North America.
One of the oldest airlines in the world, South African Airways topped the best airlines chart in Africa. Other winners by regions include Finnair (Northern Europe), LAN Airlines (South America), Hainan Airlines (China) and Air Astana (Central Asia/India).
With 27 member airlines, Star Alliance is the worlds largest global airline alliance. Its named as the best airline alliance in the 2016 Skytrax awards.
Cathay Pacific comes second to Etihad Airways in the category of worlds best first class airlines, but its newly reopened first class lounge The Pier -- with a full-service bar -- came first.
Its hard to beat Etihad Airways when it comes to first class catering. The airline offers a chef to serve up in-flight meals to passengers.
Skytrax has revealed its 2016 top 10 best airlines. In 10th place is German carrier Lufthansa. Its successfully climbed two places to re-enter the top 10 list.
Aussie airline Qantas, rarely absent from any top 10 list, moves up one place from 2015 to take ninth position.
After making a debut in the top 10 airline chart last year, Taiwans EVA Air climbed to eighth place this year. It was also named the best Trans-Pacific airline.
Slightly down from last year (ranked fourth in 2015), Turkish Airlines was voted as the seventh best airline in the world. Its still the best airline in Europe, according to Skytrax.
One of three major Middle East carriers in the top 10, Abu Dhabis Etihad remains in sixth place this year.
Japans ANA All Nippon Airways takes the fifth spot. It also takes awards for the worlds best airport services and Asias best airline staff.
Hong Kong-based airline Cathay Pacific dropped from the third to fourth place this year.
Singapore Airlines, ranked third, is Asias best airline. It also won the title for the best business class airline seat.
A 2015 winner, Qatar came second this year. It also has the worlds best business class and business class lounge.
The survey underscores the consistency of the quality service among the world's top carriers, said Edward Plaisted, Skytrax CEO.
"The Middle East airlines have continued to dominate," Plaisted said after the ceremony. "Virgin America continues dominating on the customer side in North America. Turkish Airlines is a big favorite."
The awards run the gamut from 73 categories from best economy class onboard catering to best airline staff to best seats to best cabin cleanliness.

The Top 10 Best Airlines were named as:
1. Emirates
2. Qatar Airways
3. Singapore Airlines
4. Cathay Pacific
5. ANA All Nippon Airways
6. Etihad Airways
7. Turkish Airlines
8. EVA Air
9. Qantas Airways
10. Lufthansa

Other Winners in other Categories Includes:
Transatlantic Airline: Lufthansa
Transpacific Airline: Eva Air
North American Regional Airline: Porter Airline
Airline Staff in Asia: ANA airlines
Regional European Airline: Aegean
Airline lounge: Star Alliance
Airline in Southern Europe: Turkish Airlines
Airline in Northern Europe: FinnAir
Airline in Western Europe: Lufthansa
Airline in Eastern Europe: Aeroflot
Airline in Africa: South African Airways
Airline in Australia/Pacific: Qantas
Airline in Central Asia: Air Astana
Airline in China: Hainan Airlines
Airline in Central America/Caribbean: Copa Airlines
Airline in S. America: LAN Airlines
Airline in N. America: Virgin America
Airline in Asia: Singapore Airlines
Airline in Middle East: Emirates
Airline in Europe: Turkish Airlines
Low-cost airline in Australia & Pacific: JetStar Airways
Low-cost airline in Asia: AirAsia
Low-cost airline in Central Asia & India: IndiGo
Low-cost airline in China: Spring Airlines
Low-cost airline in South America: Azul Brazil
Low-cost airline in North America: Virgin America
Low-cost airline in Europe: Norwegian
Lounge dining business class: Turkish
First class lounge dining: Air France
Airline staff service Africa: Ethiopia Airlines
Airline staff service Aus Pac: Qantas


Thursday, July 21, 2016

WHAT NIGRERIA NEEDS; Be part of this!

Hello my friend!
Since there is no distance in the spirit, let us join other NIGERIANS from wherever we are to pray for our dear Country; Nigeria.
Time and Date are as shown in the Flyer.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

History Made: A 3,000-year-old world has been unearthed in England's Fenlands

History Made: In an astonishing Bronze Age discovery a 3000-year-old community has been unearthed
By Nick Glass, CNN

Cambridge, England (CNN) — British archaeologists working on the Must Farm project in England's Cambridgeshire Fens can hardly restrain themselves.
Their online diary effervesces with superlatives -- "truly fantastic pottery," "truly exceptional textiles," "a truly incredible site," "the dig of a lifetime."
Bronze Age discovery: Is this Britain's Pompeii?
***The site has been described as the British Pompeii***.

Just click on the link for the full story.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

MUST READ: Buhari's EFCC; Much ado about nothing!

PaRaLLaX StRoKeS (travesty)
APC, the Mafia and Gangster Nation
Does anyone remember Mr. Robert Azibaola anymore?
At the time of his arrest and eventual illegal detention by Buhari's attack Rottweilers called the EFCC, the news media was ejaculating with ogasmic rhythmns and sensational headlines some of which read like;

"Jonathan's brother in multi-million dollar scam",
"Jonathan's brother caught in money laundering",
".....finally, Jonathan's brother, Robert Azibaola caught with billion naira embezzlement."

Reading these sensational headlines blezzoned across news paper front pages, there was no doubt in the minds of the public that Jonathan was indeed as corrupt as the Buhari administration wanted people to believe.
Yet, the media in its love for lazy reportage and some paid to do a media lynching didn't bother to ask the relevant questions surrounding the poor man's arrest. In line with the public lynch mob mentality, there was a rush to judgement even before the facts were brought to light.
First, did the arrest by the EFCC follow due process? If it followed due process, why was the accused who was innocent before proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction not allowed to go on bail for more than 60 days as he languished in the underground dungeons of the anti-graft agency?
The continued violation of due process allowed the administration to pull all kinds of stunts, intrigues and shenanigans, the APC stock in trade.
In essence, the trial by media gave every Tom, Dick and Harry the needless opportunity to crucify Robert Azibaola, the brother of Jonathan.
For many who wanted the former president to be dragged to Abuja and be publicly shot in a firing squad, the violation of his cousin's human rights would do just fine. So, for more than 60 days Azibaola was caged in the environment populated by sadists, narcissists, scoundrels, gangsters and what have you.
But at the end of the day, at the end when the incontrovertible truth was raised from the ground it was hidden, Robert Azibaola is vindicated from all corruption charges.
An Abuja high court justice, Nnamdi O Dimgba found the accused didn't corruptly enrich himself of N40m million naira or whatever amount.
During legal proceedings, Azibaola was cleared of any wrong doings, that his contract payment followed due process.

Like Diezani Allison-Madueke, the cousin of Jonathan too is now free. He can now go home.

Honestly, this piece wouldnt have been necessary or even deserving of the time spent to put it together but for the simple fact that;
"The exoneration and freedom of the accused in this case is laid to rest in the media, but it would be a disservice if the same media that lynched Azibaola to keep silent about a propaganda that must have cost millions of dollars and the tyranny of power that orchestrated the orgy of hate and mindlessness".
From many credible sources, the money used as propaganda behind the case gulped millions of dollars just to rein in one man to validate a fake war on corruption.
Now that a justice of the law has cleared the accused of any wrong doing, will the state compensate him for all his troubles?
I believe he should sue EFCC for billions of naira in damages.

The Azibaola freedom, together with the Diezani exoneration, it vindicates those who long have argued that the Buhari anti-corruption crusade was nothing more than the grotesque form of the theater of the absurd in which only opponents of the administration were targeted for persecution.
Therefore, it is in the best interest of the media and our democracy to make that case.
The case has to be vigorously pursued that the APC is a collection of cabals and mafia hit men and gangsters. And as long as they are allowed to run amock in the country without the relevant institutions checking their atrocities, Nigeria's division is a far gone conclusion.
It's very likely that soon, these cabals and the mafia will get to you or even me.
In the meantime, Nigeria is dying slowly.
While the preparation to "get" Jonathan is still been perfected, expect the EFCC and the mafia going rogue and wild.
There's nothing more to expect when the rule of law is in the hangs of gangsters and scoundrels.
For the gangster nation, the beat goes on.
___________ Ebi B Asain (CR)


Fire In Kano Market!!!

Fire has razed down no fewer than 44 shops at the popular Farm Centre GSM market in Kano metropolis on Friday.

Eyewitness said that the incident happened around 5:30pm on Friday, when most of the traders had closed for business.

According to the witness, the fire which destroyed phones and other valuables worth millions of Naira, was said to have been caused by a spark from a converter supplying power to some of the shops.

The source said though no life was lost, but no fewer than 44 shops were destroyed by the inferno.

When contacted, the Director of the state Fire Service Alhaji Mustapha Rulwan confirmed the incident. Hear him; He said about 44 wooden shops were razed by the inferno. With goods running into millions of Naira lost. "We received distress call around 5: 20pm and we immediately mobilised our personnel to the area. "We were able to put out the fire within 45 minutes, "he said.
He said it was an inverter that was being used by some of the traders that caused the inferno as most of the affected shops were made of wood and zinc, "he added.
You may recall that this is the second time in about 8 months the market has been affected by fire.


Friday, July 15, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: COUP in Turkey as army group announces takeover on TV

From the section Europe

                                     The Bosphorus bridge was blocked off by military units

An army group in Turkey says it has taken control of the country, with bridges closed in Istanbul and aircraft flying low over Ankara.
PM Binali Yildirim earlier denounced an "illegal action" by a military "group", stressing it was not a coup. He said that the government remained in charge.
Traffic has been stopped from crossing both the Bosphorus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges in Istanbul.
There are reports of gunshots in the capital Ankara.
Other reports said soldiers were inside buildings of the Turkish state broadcaster in Ankara.
Gunfire was also heard outside Istanbul police HQ and tanks are said to be stationed outside Istanbul airport. All flights are cancelled.
CNN Turk reported that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was "safe" but did not elaborate.
A statement from the military group read out on NTV television said: "The power in the country has been seized in its entirety." Who represents the group remains uncertain.

                         This image purports to show police officers detained by a military unit

A Turkish presidential source told Reuters that the statement was not authorised by the military command.

Mr Yildirim told NTV by telephone: "We are working on the possibility of an attempt. We will not allow this attempt.

"Those who are in this illegal act will pay the highest price," he added, saying it would not be correct to describe the move as a "coup".

He said: "There was an illegal act by a group within the military that was acting out of the chain of military command. Our people should know that we will not allow any activity that would harm democracy."

There are reports Turkey's top general has been taken hostage at the military HQ.

Visiting Moscow, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he hoped for peace and "continuity" in Turkey

... This will be about the first time such a thing will be happening in Europe in a very long time.


MUST READ: Top 6 Reasons why Senate may Impeach President Buhari

Uneasy Calm between Presidency and Senate...

On June 12, Tuesday, the rumours emerged that Nigerian senators alongside Senate president Bukola Saraki and his deputy Ike Ekweremadu are initiating move to impeach President Muhammadu Buhari.
However, later the people who were accused of plotting against the president denied the reports. Nigeria, like most democratic societies, has one of such mechanisms and this is known as “Impeachment or removal”. According to the Nigerian Constitution, the president or vice president may be removed from office in accordance with the provisions of 143 section, chapter six, part one:

“Whenever a notice of any allegation in writing signed by not less than one-third of the members of the National Assembly:-
“(a) is presented to the President of the Senate
“(b) stating that the holder of the office of President or Vice-President is guilty of gross misconduct in the performance of the functions of his office, detailed particulars of which shall be specified, “the President of the Senate shall within seven days of the receipt of the notice cause a copy thereof to be served on the holder of the office and on each member of the National Assembly, and shall also cause any statement made in reply to the allegation by the holder of the office to be served on each member of the National Assembly.
Truly, it seems not all that glitters is Gold...

”Below are six reasons why the senators may be forced to gang up and teach the president a major lesson” this is democracy not military rule:

1. To save Senate president Bukola Saraki. Since Saraki became the citizen number three in the country against the wish of his party there have been multiple attempts to remove him. Now the Senate president is one of the most controversial politicians in Nigeria. His troubles appear to have no regard for his position.

2. Alleged Northern agenda Some prominent and high ranked Nigerians believe that President Buhari is on a mission to northernize Nigeria. Buhari’s political appointments have raised key questions about the country’s unity. Some regions are crying for restructuring of the country. The president is reportedly fast losing even the support of Northern senators some of whom have openly accepted that his appointments have been lopsided. But the presidency restated its determination for one united country.

3. Disregard for the Senate  Senator Biodun Olujimi cried out: ”It’s time to call a spade a spade and the Nigerian Senate and legislature deserves to be respected.” The outcry cry was initiated by a recent remark by Buhari’s highest ranking nominee SGF Babachir Lawal on the National Confab and Intervention Projects.

The Storm Gathers....

4. To save their seats  The Nigerian economy is plummeting and the average Nigerian on the street is getting more disgruntled by the day. Most people on the streets blame the incumbent president for the hardship. People are more and more dissatisfied that Buhari is ”fighting corruption” while allowing his people to starve.

5. Handling of the budget There have been rumours of major budget padding during the previous government. Nigerian senators reportedly extort the executive before any budget is passed. The 2016 budget was almost passed in the same way until stories of budget padding leaked to the media.

6. Anti-corruption crusade Muhammadu Buhari was elected on the promise to fight corruption. Since his inauguration in May, 2015, many politicians were accused, arraigned and even detained on the corruption charges. Saraki, himself, is currently facing the trial for false declaration of his assets.


Monday, July 11, 2016


Portugal beat France to win Euro 2016 final with Éder’s extra-time goal.
Portugal have won their first European Championship – and first major trophy – after beating France 1-0 in extra time at the Stade de France in Paris
Find out how it went down;


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Is Pogba worth £100m?

Is Paul Pogba really worth £100m or N45.6 Billion?

Why should I give away my product for 'FREE' and now buy it back for '£100 Million' four(4) years later.
That's foolishness!
Just click on this link and find out.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Justice Delayed can be Justice Denied.

More pathetic is the case of Alhaji Alhassan Abubakar Badakoshi, a retired Permanent Secretary who contested the 1983 Governorship election in Niger State on the platform of the late Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe-led Nigerian Peoples Party (NPP). He lost to Alhaji Auwal Ibrahim (the current Emir of Suleja) of the defunct National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in a controversial manner. Badakoshi challenged the election from the High Court to the Court of Appeal and eventually to the Supreme Court.
20 years after the election, and 19 days after his death on 16th March 2003, the Supreme Court declared Badakoshi the rightful winner of the 1983 governorship election in Niger State.
What manner of justice is that?
-Segun Adeniyi

So what do you think, is Justice Delayed, Justice Denied.
Have your say...

The Law of the Garbage Truck.

Please read & learn...

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for my destination. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.

My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches!

The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us!

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, really friendly.
...So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”

This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, “The Law of the Garbage Truck.”

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around picking up garbage; (frustration, anger, malice, disappointment, etc.).
As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on 'you'.
Don’t take it personally.
Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so… love the people who treat you right & pray for the ones who don’t.
Life is Ten percent what you make it and Ninety percent how you respond to it!

Have a Happy Garbage-Free Day.


Friday, July 8, 2016


Please, carefully look into the list below to see where you may want to make amends, on yourself or the young ones you are caring for. 

Children, if not properly groomed may never get to the Top in life 

Remember that "Mannerstake you to where your education can't irrespective of your Status, Money or 'the who you know factor'

1) Going to your child's school dressed indecently? Think again...

2) Speaking rashly to your child's teacherThink again...

3) Cursing or using Foul words or Swearing infront of your children 

4) Using makeup on childrenThink again...

5) Dressing indecently for children (they loose the sense of their prince/princess hood) 

6) Putting earrings on your son's ears

7) When your child hold the cup or glassware by the brim and you don't correct them

8) When your children don't greet and you just feel they will come around one day 

9) When your children eat with their mouth opened and you feel they will grow up some day 

10) When your children bring home something you did not buy for them and you say nothing 

11) When they talk back at you and you conclude its okay since you are a 21st century mummy 

12) When they interrupt when you are speaking with another adult and you think they are bold and clever 

13) When they exercise authority over their nanny and domestic staff and you let them

14) When they say things like my driver is on His way... 

I am not an advocate that children should call your domestic staff aunty or brother, calling them by name when they are not young people is not poise either 
The use of Miss, Mr or Mrs will look good on them.

15) When your children don't say 'Thank You' when they have been helped or served something and you are cool with that 

16) When your children cannot stand children who are less privileged 

18) When they pick their nose with their hands 

19) When they don't wash their hands after visiting the washroom 

20) When your children take something from the fridge without taking permission

21) When your children don't knock on closed doors before opening it or entering. 

22) When your children don't collect from your hands the stuff you brought in as you walk in through the door. 

23) When your children request for a bribe to carry out their home chores or extra task. 

24) When your children act like their grand parents irritate them 

25) When your children have not learned to get up from the chair for the elderly to sit

26) When your child tell lots of lies 

27) When your child ask 'who is that' at a knock on your door instead of 'please, who is there' 

28) When your child is always seated by your visitors when being served drinks etc. 

29) When your children still point their fingers at other people 

30) When your children play and jump around when prayers are going on (age 4 above) 

Please parents this is just for us to learn in case we are still lagging in any of the above.
God bless all of us.

Fuel Scarcity looms as PENGASSAN, NUPENG to meet FG on July 11.

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) and NUPENG have postponed the meeting with Federal Government over their planned strike which they have put strike on hold till July 11.
Following this development, the unions said they have put the planned strike on hold.
Alhaji Tokunbo Korodo, the South West Chairman, Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers made this known in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday in Lagos.
According to Korodo, the meeting which is scheduled to take place yesterday (Thursday) has been shifted due to public holiday declared by government to mark the Eid-El-Fitr.

The chairman, who is one of NUPENG’s representatives, said that both parties had agreed to meet on Monday, July 11 to deliberate on the issues affecting the unions.
“As a result of this, we have to put the strike which is supposed to commence today on hold to allow for useful deliberations with the government representatives.”
He said that the unions were aware of hardship the strike would cause the general public, adding that this was why the unions had agreed to meet with the Federal Government.

Korodo, however, said that the unions would have no choice than to embark on strike if government did not address labour issues affecting members.

NAN reports that PENGASSAN had threatened to embark on a nationwide strike beginning from July 7 over some issues, including the alleged mass sacking of its members by various oil and gas companies.
NAN also reported that the Minister of Labour and Employment, Sen. Chris Ngige was scheduled to meet with representatives of PENGASSAN on July 7, according to a statement issued on July 6, in Abuja.
The statement, signed by Mr Samuel Olowookere, the Deputy Director (Press) in the Ministry of Labour said that the “crucial meeting” was being convened to find a lasting solution to problems in the oil and gas sector.
It said that the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Dr Ibe Kachikwu would also attend the meeting scheduled for 10 a.m in Abuja. (NAN)
Since everything is still pending till Monday July 11th, the public is adviced to pray for a peaceful resolution of the impasse to avoid fuel queue returning to the various fuel stations.

Francis Johnson, the national President of PENGASSAN

Meanwhile the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) on Thursday said that there was no going back on its planned strike slated to have commenced by 12 a.m on Thursday.
Mr. Francis Johnson, the national President of PENGASSAN made the assertion in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos.
He said that the issues had been pending for so long and that the government had not shown enough seriousness over the matters.
According to him, the government is trying to apply fire brigade approach to a serious matter.
“We have discussed this matter long enough for the government to address us but it closed its ears, now the authorities are calling for dialogue.
“We are ready to work with Mr President to succeed but other agencies involved in the discussion were not showing serious concern over the matter and we don’t have any choice than to proceed on strike,’’ he said.
Johnson said that the inability of the Federal Government to honour its agreements contained in May 12, 2016 Communiqué was the reason for calling for the strike.
He said that some of the issues included lingering irregular Joint Venture Funding and Cash Call Payment arrears, lack of a clear cut direction on the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB).
Others are forceful co-option of government agencies into the Integrated Personnel Payroll Information System (IPPIS) and the spate of redundancy and retrenchment in the industry.
The PENGASSAN president said that several efforts to engage the government to forestall the strike were frustrated.
He said that before now, the union tried to engage the government on May 24, 2016, which was inconclusive.
He added that the engagement was later fixed for June 23, 2016, which did not take place and again for June 30, 2016 and which was unceremoniously cancelled with no date given.

“We see this as a deliberate attempt by the government to frustrate the discussion of the myriad of issues raised in the communiqué which are critical to the survival of the oil and gas industry in the country.

“Among the burning issues raised is that of the Joint Venture Funding/Cash Call arrears, which has stalled new investments and the creation of jobs and which has consequently brought about massive job losses.

“We have equally noted with great dismay that our tertiary institutions keep churning out graduates with no or very limited job placement opportunities,’’ Johnson said.

“Even for those that are fortunate to have jobs, it has been a tug-of-war getting their salaries paid as when due and are faced with redundancies on a regular basis, especially in the service sector.

“We cannot fold our hands and watch this gradual collapse of our strategic oil and gas industry and its attendant consequences on the nation’s economy.

“This is a sharp contrast to the present government avowed promised to create and retain jobs.’’
