Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Breaking News! Who or What is behind the Fire that Engulfed Accountant General of the Federations Office

Chaaaaaaiiiii Nigeria 🇳🇬 

Folks, recall that the Nigerian senators on Tuesday, February 18, expressed anger over the failure of Idris Ahmed, the Accountant General of the Federation (AGF), to present the 2015 Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) details for scrutiny.

The senators slammed the accountant general over failure to explain N2.9bn IPPIS funds a month ago

The senators faulted Idris Ahmed, the office of the Accountant General of the Federation (AGF) for failing to present the 2015 Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) details for scrutiny.

The senators on the panel on public account questioned why a representative from the office of the auditor general could not answer questions put forward to him by the panel.

The lawmakers wondered why the AGF’s office is yet to make the IPPIS documents available since 2015.

Also remember this 👇?

National Assembly (NASS) to FGN yesterday 7th April 2020;

"You will have to explain how you distributed N2 Trillion to the poor, we need names, how you arrived at your database, we need the demographic spread".

Finance minister said;
"We have this records, it's with the accountant general" 9hrs later the building housing the office of AGF went up in flames...

Are you thinking what I'm thinking 💭 🤔?

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A MUST READ! Nnewi Federal Constituency and Quality Representation

Quality representation; for the good of Nnewi North, Nnewi South and Ekwusigo federal constituency

By Sharon Oparaocha

The Nnewi North/South, and Ekwusigo Federal Constituency distinguished representative, Hon Chris Azubogu has shown capacity and competence to ask for continuity. Also the constituents are pleased with his representation as each ward under his constituency has something good to remember him for. They have very good, verifiable and justifiable reasons to support him for continuity.

Hon. Chris Azubogu's legislative dexterity cannot be overemphasized, he did not just stop at fulfilling the primary legislative assignment - sponsoring bills, he attracted and executed laudable projects across the constituency. These projects are verifiable, some are still ongoing even.

I know that human wants and needs are insatiable, nonetheless, if Azubogu didn't touch positively the lives of two or three individuals in his constituency, then he has definitely touched positively their individual communities.

Besides the projects he attracted in the constituency and bills he sponsored for the good of the constituents, the good people of Nnewi North, Nnewi South, and Ekwusigo Federal Constituency are happy that they have access to their representative at the Green Chamber.

Azubogu said and I quote "I will be satisfied the day my people no longer come to me to beg or ask for money". Furthermore, he said "there is no other way to achieve that, except through empowerment programmes and creating employment opportunities for my people".

“It is my covenant to ably represent and do resoundingly well for my constituents through the intervention /constituency projects’ platform provided us by the National Assembly as representatives of the people, who knows the spots where shoes pinch the masses" said Honourable Azubogu.

What's more; “I will use every medium available to me as a Federal lawmaker to bring dividends of democracy to the doorsteps of my people. In the next couple of years, issues of youth unemployment /empowerment and qualitative education of our pupils will be given priority in order to secure their future" he declared.

Annually, Azubogu partners with agencies such as National Engineering Design Development Institute (NEDDI) to run empowerment programmes, at the end a certificate will be awarded alongside some money to set the participants up and running, depending on the programme category. Just this year he has already done about 2 different empowerment  programmes, making over 250 persons self and gainfully employed . Ongoing is another of his empowerment programme - CACETI 2018 training programme phase 2. By the way, if you missed the phase 1 of CACETI 2018 training programme , you can apply for the phase 2 via

Azubogu's driving force is his passion for his people and his desire for their well-being; this I saw during the roundtable discussion; Nnewi automotive industrial park held in February this year. During the event, Dr. Nkem Okeke, the deputy governor of Anambra state stressed that Azubogu is doing great. He said that Governor Obiano and the good people of Anambra state are proud of Azubogu, infact that they would like him to join Apga.

He went on to say that, Nnewi Automotive Industrial Park is a great idea in the right direction, he reaffirmed that he is hopeful that Azubogu will see to it, that the project is successfully completed.

This is among many reasons we want Azubogu back in the Green Chamber, he has done well, he is cooking a lot of things, so he should be allowed to continue for the good of the constituents and for the upliftment of South East.

Quality representation goes beyond sponsoring bills. Azubogu knows his constituents and his constituents know him. He is accessible, he is in touch with his constituents. He has touched almost all sectors, he understands that while Okeke needs medical care Okafor may need employment; while Otolo needs viable road , Obiefuna who is an indigene of Otolo needs empowerment. Perhaps that explains his versatility in attracting projects for the constituency.

Hon Chris Azubogu is bridging the health gap; bridging the infrastructural gap; bridging the human capital development gap in Nnewi North/South and Ekwusigo federal constituency.

Let's continue this quality representation!!!!


Monday, January 8, 2018

A MUST READ: Anambra 2017: Cutting Off Our Nose To Spite Our Face

Anambra 2017: Cutting Off Our Nose To Spite Our Face
By Nnenna Obiano 

The just concluded Anambra State election really was not an election as much as it was a referendum on Peter Obi. It was an opportunity for all who had grievances to air them and take revenge as the case maybe.

This group was not limited to the incumbent administration and APGA. The Catholic Church which Obi empowered as a political machinery was just as active. We of course must not forget the Anambra elites who are particularly aggrieved with Peter Obi. Last but not the least is his new party PDP.
The incumbent administration must be commended its election sstrategy.

The media hype despite the incompetence of the government was superb. Exploiting all the weaknesses of the elite and the aggrieved and played it for all it was worth.
The incumbent governor opened up the state vault to defeat his nemesis. No cost was spared because “we have to defeat Peter”. Everyone who could be bought was well-bought .The economy made it easy to purchase votes if not loyalty. As long as you disliked Obi,there was a place for you.The state coffers being empty was not a problem. When it seemed like it depleted, borrowing was not a problem. Throwing everything good and bad at the "Oracle" as he was referred to was the mantra. Truth did not matter. The propaganda on Obi was so much and loud it drowned out any other candidate.

Obi was not on the INEC ticket but he was on the ticket.
The incumbent governor was so obsessed and focused on Obi, nothing else mattered. He was prepared to outspend Obi and he did. He had to do anything Obi had done and more. At the end of the election, he " won" ,so much so he had all believe he won all 21 local governments. "Yes! Finally I have bested Obi and have won" but at what cost? Empty states coffers which cannot be hidden forever, struggle to govern a states when all the saved funds have been squandered ensuring Anambra rejoined the list of indebted states. 

The obsession may have led to a "win" but the final act is yet to be played. 4 more years and all will judge just how well he governed. How much debt will be left to his successor,how much of the state will be functional? Only time will tell but for now, let's enjoy the euphoria of the win. 
The positive of the win though is the survival now of the party. The party has been given a new lease of life and it is hoped it can yield more successes though the funding of the party is dependent on the state finances .

The Church played its own role. The Anglican communion was more neutral and fair maybe because the 3 top runners were Catholic . 
The Catholic Church simply forgot their vows and robes and waded into the dirty politics of misinformation ,arm twisting ,divisiveness and where necessary,blackmail.
The upper echelon of the church may have as well removed their robes.
All the teachings of the Bible were out through the window.
Everyone even the pope is entitled to their individual preferences on who to vote for. The problem was using the pulpit to coerce congregation who listen faithfully because they trust.
The question one asks is how much of the decision was based on the truth and what was best for their congregation? How much of the propaganda did they know were lies but went along with it.? How much of what the incumbent administration said were pure fabrication which could be proven and was proven did they turn a blind eye to?

What was the motivation? Greed, maybe not as much. Malice and revenge (which are sins by the way ) towards Obi? Sticking it to Peter Obi seemed to be the mantra. 

The churches role was so nauseating ,it makes it so hard to actually think you can go to these "men of God" for confession. Who do they confess to?
It is hoped that they can make restitution to their congregation when the time comes and things go south! We hope they don't.

The irony in this is that the very Church that Peter Obi empowered politically has now turned against him and used that power against him. It is the law of Karma. Incumbent please take note!!!
The solution is that the church having played out itself as fallible as anyone else should probably return to the original purpose for which they have the robe " lead the church of Christ " as Christ did. 

Anambra elites” vs Peter Obi

The elites finally have their chance to get theirs against Peter Obi. I am still trying to figure out what exactly they have against him. I have heard of people saying he thinks he knows everything, he handles state money as though it is his. I have also heard about people who are angry because he brought the incumbent and now he does not want him,he brings someone else. I guess part of the angst is why he should be the kingmaker all by himself thus diminishing their roles. 

I can see where this could be frustrating but once again,it is not about the state,the electorate but themselves . They can all pump their fists because they won but did the state win?
A lot of these elites will openly tell you,they know the incumbent is incompetent and has done nothing but the joy of beating Peter Obi trumps all consideration especially when they get paid doing it. It is expected that they will prevail on the incumbent administration to fulfill some promises . If that does not happen,we will all pay the price.
As far as Peter Obi is concerned , he maybe down now but certainly not out. Let's remember that the administration has but four years and it seems to go by quickly. One never knows who is coming next and in this business, revenge is best served as a cold dish!


Oh my!! What a party!
All the top players but a few in this party at one time or the other suffered at the hands of Peter Obi and APGA.
How dare he come into this party to lord it over them again!
How much of one man can we take?
He comes into the party and wants to take over and impose his own candidate . We will not let it happen!! Never!
The party ,not having won a gubernatorial election in 12 years have been fragmented and fractured. It became a collection of warlords for rental. It became all about money.

Which one of them wanted a governor? Not the senator who preferred to be the highest ranking member in the state. Not the house members who were all important even though they have done nothing for the state. Is it the warlords who will lose their cash value with no structure to rent out? 
Some of the members had genuine grouse of not being recognized for their longevity in the party.
It seemed impossible to stop Peter Obi taking over their party so they did what they do best. Rent out themselves to the highest bidder. In this case,there was an additional incentive, the intense dislike for a Peter Obi.
It worked! The incumbent won! 

Irony now is that they are all back to PDP to fight for position and structure . Some have moved to APGA but hope to use the PDP structure to win future elections.
It may work but 2019 is a lifetime in Nigerian politics and the problem of Peter Obi still remains.

The election is over.The incumbent has defeated Peter Obi but now comes governance. Hopefully the burden of debts and empty coffers will not hinder him too much. All that remains now is the legacy left behind after 4 years. That is the final fight with Peter Obi .

For Peter Obi,it is a bitter pill to swallow. The very state he gave his all to have now turned against him. The successor he brought in has made life uncomfortable for him. The elites who flocked around him have turned their backs on him. Finally, the church he empowered have used that same power against him. The good news is that he has 4 years to plot his next move. Thankfully, he does not have to worry about finances being independently wealthy. Those who think he is down and out do not know him well. I doubt we have heard the last of him. It has been said that he is very patient when plotting revenge so all who rejoice may have cause to worry later. As for the governor, I doubt we have heard the last of that 7.5 billion. I hope he has it saved somewhere as he will probably have to pay it someday .

For the electorate, my heart goes out to them as they never really mattered in all of this. 
The suffering continues.

Nnenna Obiano a Political Scientist and Social Commentator writes from Nsugbe. 

@ChynedOfficial,,  ©2018

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A MUST READ! 10 things some police officers don’t want you to KNOW.

10 things some police officers don’t want you to know -

1. Bail is free

2. Upon arrest, you are liable to remain silent; Section 6 of the ACJA Act 2015; Section 35(2) 1999 Constitution

3. When being  questioned, you must have your lawyer present. Section 6(2)(a) Administration of Criminal Justice Act (2015)

4. No one should be subject to torture or unlawful treatment. Section 8, Administration of Criminal Justice Act (2015); Section 34, 1999 Constitution.

5. Upon arrest, suspect must be charged to court immediately. Section 32 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (2015)

6. Police officer making an arrest must state reason. Section 6, Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015.

7. Suspect is innocent until proven guilty. Section 36(5) of the 1999 Constitution.

8. No one can be arrested in lieu of another person

9. Police cannot unlawfully search your phones

10. Anyone unlawfully arrested is entitled to compensation. Section 35(6) 1999 Constitution.

If your rights have been breached in relation to any of the laws mentioned above, you can make a formal complaint to the Police Complaint Commission via
or contact your lawyer.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A MUST READ! Breaking: IGP Bows to #EndSARS Campaign

Breaking: IGP Bows #endsars, Orders Immediate Re-organization Of SARS

The Inspector General of Police, Idris Kpotun Ibrahim, has ordered the immediate re-organization of special anti-robbery squad (sars) across the country this was as a result of the #EndSARS campaign launched on Twitter by some Nigerians The campaign had exposed some of the atrocities committed by the Police Special Anti-Robbery Squad The IGP in a statement on Monday said “the Nigeria Police Force has observed the recent trends of event in the Social Media on the #ENDSARSNOW and the controversy being generated by the innuendos from the allegations and other misconceptions as it concerns the Operational roles and activities of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), a detachment of the Nigeria Police Force.

‘Undoubtedly, the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) have been doing very well in fighting violent crimes such as Armed Robbery, Kidnappings and Cattle Rustling in the country in the recent time and this has resulted in drastic reduction of incidents of the mentioned violent crimes nationwide.

‘However, the Inspector General of Police, IGP Ibrahim K. Idris NPM, mni concerned with public interest and the need to reposition the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) for more efficiency and effective service delivery to all Nigerians and ensure that the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) operates based on International Core Value of Policing with integrity and make sure the rule of law prevails in the operations and activities of the outfit, the IGP has directed the immediate re-organization of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) nationwide and instant investigation into all the allegations, complaints and infractions levelled against the personnel of the Special Anti Robbery Squad across the country by the IGP X-Squad of the Force.

‘In the new arrangement, a Commissioner of Police is now the overall head of the Federal Anti-Robbery Squad nationwide under the Department of Operations, Force Headquarters Abuja.

‘The Police Zonal Commands, State Commands and Divisions will continue to operate anti-crime units/sections, crime prevention and control squads and teams imperative to prevent and detect crimes and criminalities in their Area of Responsibilities, and other crack squads necessary to sustain law and order and protection of life and properties in their Area of responsibilities (AOR).
‘Federal Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) will now exist and operate in the State and Zonal Commands under the Commissioner of Police (F-SARS) at the Force Headquarters.
A Federal SARS Commander of a Rank of Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) and not below Superintendent of Police (SP) will be in charge of FSARS in State and Zonal Commands across the Country.
All Commissioners of Police have been directed by the Inspector General of Police to comply with this directive with immediate effect and warn their personnel not to pose as SARS operatives.

The IGP X-Squad has been mandated to go round the Commands and Police Formations nationwide to ensure strict compliance and apprehend any erring police officer.
‘Furthermore, a new training program to be organized by the Force in collaboration with some Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Local and International NGOs, and other Human Rights Organizations on core Police Duties, Observant of Human Rights and Handling, Care and Custody of Suspects have been directed by the Inspector General of Police for all Federal SARS personnel nationwide with immediate effect.
‘However, aggrieved members of the public who have any complaint in the past or present of violation of their rights by any Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) personnel anywhere in the country are to report through any of the following channels for investigation and further actions.

0902 690 0729 – CALLS
0903 227 8905 – SMS
0903 562 1377 – whatsapp

07056792065 Calls/SMS/whatsapp
08088450152 Calls/SMS/whatsapp
Twitter: @PoliceNG

08057000001 – Calls Only
08057000002 – Calls Only
08057000003 – SMS & whatsapp only
Twitter: @PoliceNG_PCRRU

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A MUST READ! OHO speaks on the Health sector of Anambra State.

Oseloka Henry Obaze speaks on the Health sector of Anambra State.
Such a rare breed...

"I Oseloka Henry Obaze in the company of my wife,  my Deputy; Chidi Onyemelukwe and her husband,  Mr Peter Obi (The former Governor of Anambra State) and a whole lot of other people was at the commissioning of the 'St. Felix Catholic Specialist Hospital Nnewi' on Tuesday.
I was touched by the various degrees of health challenges people face and had to offset some hospital bills. In my sixty-two years of life, I've been blessed with good health and have never been admitted or spent a single day in any hospital, anywhere in the world. We must upgrade our healthcare delivery system.

 Nobody prays for sickness, nobody prays for accident, what we should be praying for is that in times of emergency when one is injured, is that we have good hospitals, good doctors, quality drugs, drinkable water and electricity”, he began.

The first thing we will do as a government in emergency response is that when we receive a patient, we commence treatment immediately, life comes first before anything else.

For my government, we will introduce what is called "'Charity Care' for the indigent".
The government, community, traders and independent groups can contribute funds to the Charity Care. If any patient comes in here and is unable to pay, the hospital manager can discount the bill and send the remainder to the Charity Care administrator to offset the bill from that public pool. The Charity Care can cover the whole health bill or a percentage of it depending on the evaluation of the patient by the hospital manager.

Our government will ensure every hospital whether government, private or mission-owned must have a Charity Care administrator and this will also help create jobs for unemployed Ndi Anambra.

If we are able to save lives from our Charity Care programme, beneficiaries will begin to contribute funds to the programme knowing that in their time of need, the Charity Care came to their rescue".

Mr Chiagozie wrote from Nnewi.

Monday, October 9, 2017

A MUST READ: Biafra To Stay or To Go My Take

Biafra, If You Ask Me by Mazi Odera
May 31, 2017

I am about to thread where even the Angels don’t want to play, a topic and issue considered sacred and can invoke unbridled out pour of venom and never encomium on me, but like my old man will say “agaghi eji mgbagbu ghara ogu” (We can’t abstain from war to avoid Death).

Many of our people want Biafra where we can go back and live on our own, but I beg to differ but before you start spitting in all directions just hear me out after all okwu adiro ano na afo ,ajo njo (Words cannot be bad in incubation).

It started like a Joke when people from other Tribes accepted the superiority of the Caucasians who came in with aims of exploiting Africans to the fullest, they came with Religion which they assured us is the way, and that it is filled with LOVE, but when our Forebears refused to swallow everything HOOK, LINE AND SINKER the missionaries who came in as Saints with Bible on the surface brought Soldiers armed with Guns and slaughter us to submission, those that survived, many were carted into Slavery with shackles and fetters of Iron clanged on them for Months while they were stored in Ships without medical of any sought and if life ran out of you, they will dedicate you to aquatic world.

Destination slave market were they sale God’s Creation and they expect you to forget and shout Hallelujah.

They certainly preach to us how loving their own version was, but shown us that the right of our living or dead lies with them, they enforced it to the later.

They taught us how to speak their own language, how to worship their own God and how to see them as Superior while we are the scum of the earth, which affected our psych today.

In Africa white is pure, while black stands for evil, but I digress.

They succeeded in the Western part of this nation, same way USMAN DAN FODIO succeeded in the North with Savage brutality, but only the people or the East showed some semblance of resistance and for that the brutal BRITISH marked us for extinction despite the fact that we embraced their religion more.

Fast Forward to pre Independent, the ZIK of Africa with the same education they gave us bested them, while other leaders from other tribes lay in askance, just because of our Republican nature the British swore to cut our tail and that has been the problem will today.

The Hausas plotted to leave Nigeria in 1967 Coup (ARABA) when they hoisted an AREWA FLAG at Ikeja Canton mentioned, crafted an Arewa Constitution, the Counter Coup was a plot to announce secession but the British High Commission advised them with the phrase that THEY ARE LANDLOCKED.

They gave the Hausa Premier and emasculated the seat of the President and made it Ceremonial just to make Sure that Nnamdi Azikiwe paid for his effrontery of asking for Independent nation, which they conceded because they’ve not discovered the Oil deposit.

The Genocide of 1967 was extreme, a calculated plot and ploy to wipe us away from the surface of the Earth, the British supplied armament and enough Logistic support to annihilate us even though we accepted their version of religion and they called us Brother (Lip service).

They mauled down our Children, rape our women, gave us Kwashiorkor but I digress.

We had no friends that offered us Logistic, Arms or even water to drink, we became a social reject, but I later understood why the aggression became Total.

A Russian General said "Give me 2,000 Biafran Soldiers and I will take the world", we were under fed but once the Tanks rolled in from UBULUAFOR NSUKKA into our hinterland, we stand up and defend our land with Sticks and Faith, what we had in the entire South East before the Hostile invasion was 264 Rifles, that gave the impression which the Government used and announced that it was Police action they are bringing, that they will take SOUTH EAST under 48 hours, but it took 3 Solid years for us to stand down and that 3 years was a captive nightmare to the Western world, especially when under great and intense hatred and aggression sponsored by the British, we started FABRICATING OUR OWN GUNS, making Bullets, converting PICK UP TRUCKS into ARMOURED TANKS, we started refining CRUDE OIL and extracting all the extractable in a Mobile makeshift refineries.

We built the first MOBILE RADIO STATION,FIRST RUNWAY that was built on IMPOSSIBLE SOIL and it was invisible to the British Pilots flying our National Bombers.

We trained Pilots who land our Planes at night with just Mpakana (Naked oil Lamp) and also they take off with same near Zero Visibility.

50 years after the Feat of Biafrans achieved under designed and orchestrated hostility, the Nation that WON the War are yet to have a Functional Refinery and yet they don’t have the uncommon sense to beckon unto those who achieved the feat easily under abnormal condition to come and rescue the nation.

50 years after we built our Tanks, Guns and Bullets, the Central Army can only boast of ability to FROG JUMP any young man wearing Green Uniform and or shoot the same youth of the people who manufactured armament under intense hostility and that is the feat we have as a nation .

To show that what we did was not spur of the moment ,our own PHILIP EMEGWALI created the first ever SUPER COMPUTER,… During the hostility we manufactured WMD (Weapon of Mass Demolition) called Ogbunigwe but owing to the love abound in our heart we refused to maximize it by deploying it to towns were it may create a near NAGASAKI .

Then when we made the first WORLD INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSLE called FLYING Obunike, it would’ve made HIROSHIMA a child’s play .

The world resolved that they will not allow this Sleeping BLACK NATION TO RISE, because under a conducive setting we will lead the world, a risk the West cannot take, they wanted slaves and slaves they want us to remain.

50 Years after the drown and dawn of Biafra, even in neighboring nations the money printed in 1967 is still acceptable and stronger that Dollars and Euro …see the Biafran Dollars and see what quality is all about, it still stand crisp and without tears, compare it to even the most current Naira and do the maths.

Ask me do I want BIAFRA TO GO NOW ?

My answer is aggressive NO… WHY?

We begged to be allowed to go in 1967-1970 and they swore that it can never happen, then Awolowo saw it fit to coin a phrase and I quote

“STARVATION IS PART OF WAR, WE WILL STARVE THEIR CHILDREN TO DEATH”, then he took all our money and gave us 20 pounds for every account.

He was expecting that after the genocide that we will become thieves and Robbers and he sponsored a deadly bill that ARMED ROBBERY will face Firing squad with Biafrans tied to the stake, riddled with bullets in his mind as the final solution to eradication of Ndi Biafra.

Thank God that his ways and thinking are not of God, the first 3 set killed for Robbery are all Yoruba men starting with OYENUSI .

All the companies he gave to YOROBAS because he chased away the Idiotic foreign owners with a reason that there is War,even though the War did not touch any western or Northern state but all the Bullets were rained on our soil including Churches, markets, schools .

He gave those companies to his Yoruba brothers who simply liquidated the companies and use the money to send families, Girl friends and friends to London and as we speak they are yet to inapu okuko mkpuru akwu .

We went into world again with 20 pounds and with that we are controlling the PROPERTY prices any where in Nigeria, if we favor a SWAMP in Lagos, we turn it to VGC, if we favor the ones in Abuja we make the value to sky rocket,,, check all the magnificent houses any where in Nigeria and see that with 20 Pounds we are controlling at least 70% .

In Civil service, they placed us at back burners and we still thrive and fairing better because for any officer to excel that person must have an IGBO SUBORDINATE who is the brain behind success .

Somebody said to me, why can’t we go back home and replicate what we are doing in other States?
My answer is, we are not done with other states.. the agenda is. ..
1) We will show the rest the reason why we must be respected because we let them to taste wealth,we let them to feel fine houses, we let them to sale ancestral grave and land in exchange for money made from 20 pounds and we let them to salivate after the sweet things of life .

How about after building all this and another War comes and they turn it to abandon properties ?

Answer …we are used to it, they did it in PH and we bounced back stronger and better, but those people who wants to inherit the properties will kill half of the generation fighting who will posses it and eventually when they are done ,the properties won’t have values again because it is only us can buy such at a market value, after all we are the market setters and sellers.

So possessing the property is a curse with Catapult and nobody that inherits it enjoys it, because to maintain it is another disaster and your own brother and friend is planning to kill you and take it over.

Read my lips, if Ndigbo leaves any business environment or residential place in droves, the prices of property will become ZERO .

I know many of you will hate me for this arrogant presentation but what you must known is, TRUTH IS MY Standard, ACCEPT IT WITH GOOD FAITH OR I SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT, THE CHOICE IS YOURS ..Mazi Odera.

Moving on, we fought back from 1967 to 1970 to stay alive, now we are fighting to keep the nation alive, so we can posses the best of the nation which is ordinance of God and not of man .

No matter how treacherous the government is, we can never eat grass .
No matter the price of Rice in the market, agana agba azi ..

If we can do very well in LONDON, AMERICA, EUROPE the same people who sat in concert and decide that the peaceful mileage achived in ABURI GHANA when both Gowon and Ojukwu went to find a solution to peaceful coexistence, but the West ill advised the North then and by so doing we created a broken TRIPOD .

If we can do great in their own land ,we can do better in our nation .

We can only leave if they do what Pharaoh did by asking on a bended knee for us to go and then we shall do what the Israelites did by collecting all the Golds, Diamond, Precious Stones and most valuables in the land.

Meanwhile we saw a vibrant, educated and persistent Raph Uwazulike when he reawakened the spirit of Biafra, we followed with high hope until he went to Prison and many VISITS followed, when he came out the song changed.. He appears to be richer than imagine from source unknown….

Nnamdi Kanu also took over the mantle then an error from the Government who arrested him made him a Hero and same caliber of Visitors and now he is out, he visit those he preached against and, now he seems to be tilting toward the forest edoro iyi, but we keep our fingers crossed and tabletting for they said, First fool is accidental but fool me the second one is my own making…

What I know is that our elders has a saying which provides  "Ochu Nwa osukosu, nwe ada, nwa okuko nwelu mwo mwo oso"  and with that I am off to bow to Obinigwe nke ato for a brand new day .

A MUST READ! Obaze’s Education Plan For Anambra State

Making Sense Of Obaze’s Education Plan For Anambra State


The Anambra governorship election is now upon us. And as such, it is incumbent on the candidates to present their bona fides to the electorate. Interestingly, some candidates are doing this with vigour. Others seem to consistently evade the issues; busying themselves with irrelevant political talks and innuendos that have little or no bearing on the lives of the people they aspire to continue governing or govern.

One major contender has, however, remained focused on the issues. Utilizing every opportunity to espouse his views, which often times, reflect his deep thinking and character. That candidate is Mr. Oseloka H. Obaze, the PDP’s flag bearer.

Not yielding to temptations of being drawn in to the fray of name calling, mud slinging, character assassination and campaign of calumny that seems to have dominated the campaign, Obaze has insisted on discussing only the issues. Thus, living up to his professional bidding as a career diplomat and a well refined gentleman.

Obaze leaves no one in doubt as to what he intends doing in office, if given the privilege to serve Anambra State in the capacity of an Executive Governor. His towering edge over the competition is his clear understanding of what the issues are and a piece by piece plan of how to address them.

Obaze’s manifesto is clear and concise. No promises of building castles in the air, turning water into wine or making a Naira equal to a Dollar. Peharps, nothing in his plan stands out like his proposed education policy framework for Anambra. And none does he communicate more frequently and eloquently to the voting public.

Apparently because of his international exposure and experience at the United Nations where he formerly served as a top official, the core theme of Obaze’s education plan for Anambra is to adopt the UNESCO policy recommendation of 26% budgetary allocation to education. He further plans to devote 10% of the 26% allocation to private schools and schools run by missions. His reasoning being that such schools also train Anambra children.

As at today, only two states in Nigeria – Kwara and Sokoto states – have met this 26% threshold. Anambra state government currently devotes a paltry 3% of its budget to education. Thus starving the all important sector the much needed steam.

The PDP candidate sees a new Anambra where amenities in Anambra schools will be greatly improved to meet mordern standards. Beyond amenities, qualified and properly remunerated teachers, teacher training and retraining, access to computer and Internet facilities, teaching and learning aids, appropriately sized classrooms, as well as well furnished laboratories – which are all essential to 21st century learning – will be catered for by the greatly increased funding.

With 10.5 million Nigerian children currently not enrolled in school, statistics say Nigeria has the highest number of out-of-school children. Agreed, the largest chunk of this people group are not domiciled in the state Obaze aspires to serve, but he has plans to ensure that all Anambra children, regardless of parent’s income cadre, have access to quality education.

The public policy expert agrees with Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which makes a case for basic education for all. The declaration has it that “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.” Obaze proposes to give all Anambra school children from Nursery School to JSS 3 free but quality education.

Unlike conventional politicians who mouth campaign rhetorics and promises they have little or no grasp of, Obaze has worked out the number of school children in this target group and knows the exact amount of money the state government needs to invest to achieve that purpose. He also factored into his plans how to secure the grants and finances needed to kickstart and sustain the policy initiative.

In addition to ensuring free basic education, Obaze plans to run an inclusive education system. To him, the state has a responsibility to ensure that people living with disabilities enjoy all privileges, human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with others. While it is true that no government originally sets out to marginalize people living with disabilities, the inability of policy formulators to deliberately make plans for such people group technically sidelines them in the scheme of things.

On the flip side, Obaze has said his administration will pay extra attention to school children with special needs. Offering specifics in a particular gathering, Obaze gave illustrations with how government-backed subsidy of sun screens and reading lenses to students living with albinism can ensure a more inclusive education system.

Obaze proposes, as an official government policy, that classroom teachers be provided supplementary trainings on how to handle special needs children. This is in addition to his stated plans of properly funding special needs schools like schools for the; blind, deaf, dumb, autistic, etc.

With the understanding that Mid-level manpower or blue collar skilled personnel are imperative to the development of any nation, Obaze’s education plan pays acute attention to vocational training and professions that require certification. The PDP governorship candidate plans to fund tertiary institutions and other institutes in Anambra to run short certification courses for masons, bricklayers, carpenters, painters, cobblers, electricians, mechanics, vulcanizers, bakers, caterers, farmers and the likes.

This idea of tertiary education stems from the glaring fact that not all can afford University degrees, the way our education system is currently structured. Obaze believes our society will be better for it if we have people trained, skilled and certified in Mid-level manpower jobs.

With his comprehensive education policy framework, Obaze has shown that his government, if elected, will prioritise education and ensure that Anambra children are properly equipped to excel in a highly competitive 21st century global marketplace.

While other candidates make promises, Obaze, as an expert in public policy, goes the extra mile of laying down step by step plans of how to achieve his visions for Anambra. One added advantage is that he served as the ninth Secretary to the Anambra State Government. In his days as the SSG under Gov. Peter Obi, he put these plans to bear and, for the first time, Anambra really became the “Light of the Nation.” Will Ndi Anambra elect him come November 18 to serve in a higher capacity? Nobody knows. But one thing is sure: the coming election will be a referendum between a new way of doing things and the old way.

*Chima, a good governance advocate and a public policy analyst, writes from Nnewi, Anambra state.

A MUST READ! My Old Student; Gov. Willie Obiano

In today’s Sun Newspaper, Chief Joe-martins Uzodike spoke  about his old student, Gov. Willie Obiano, whose name has become a byword for failure in governance.

Chief Joe Martin Uzodike was the Director General of Gov. Willie Obiano’s Campaign organization in 2013.
He is also the DG of Mr. Oseloka Obaze Campaign Organisation.
In this interview, he bares his mind on Anambra and her politics.

Sun- Sir, Anambra will soon go into elections, how would you describe the political atmosphere?
JmU- I think what we are experiencing is the atmosphere of an election and nothing more.

Sun- As a seasoned politician, can you imagine how the election will go?
JmU- I believe the election will go very well. Every day, Anambra people are becoming increasingly politically aware. Whether we like it or not, the awareness started at the time of Dr. Chris Ngige, culminated during the time of Mr. Peter Obi. Both of them have set a standard for the performance of political office holders in Anambra State, alas, regrettably, we appear to be dwindling..

Sun- Dwindling! What do you really mean Sir?
JmU- Things are no longer going on very well in Anambra State. We now have as a governor, a man who is totally bereft of ideas of what governance is. Chief Willie Obiano came to power on a platter of Diamond, but he did not quite understand what governance is all about. As I speak, four years is about to go and he is still celebrating his emergence rather than sit down to work. So many wasteful ventures, making undue noise all over the place while the solid foundation he inherited are caving in on daily basis.

Sun- Sir his people say that many actions of his predecessor encumbered him, how true is this?
JmU- Which action?

Sun- They said Obi awarded a lot of unexecuted contracts, how true could this be?
JmU- Is that supposed to be a reason for failure? Most of the things they do point to the highest exemplification of ingratitude. I saw them publishing some contracts Obi awarded before leaving office. I mean this is wickedness. Obi had the money to have completed all these roads but he never wanted to take all the glory. He decided to lay a CONTINUITY foundation by flagging off these projects at the tail end – basically for campaign purposes.

He actually sat down with the candidate then, who is now the current governor, and some critical people to carefully choose and design roads to be awarded to help win the election. These roads and other projects like the shopping malls were equitably distributed across the whole state. Of course, Obi as governor never failed on his promises to ndi Anambra. They believed the projects would be completed by his predecessor within the first year in office as promised. Obi went on and mobilized 25% for most of the roads. I think it was a total of 33 roads. It was in my presence that he explained to the current Governor what he did with contracts to make him succeed. Once allocation came, Obi paid about 1.5 Billion Niara to contractors  on monthly, constant basis. This kept them at work all year round under Obi. He explained all this to the man who was to take over from him. But rather than take to the advice of the man who had eight years’ experience he went on a flashy jamboree and is still busy celebrating a victory won in 2013. Rather than continue with the structured payment, he started taking about same sum as Security Votes.

It is on record that as at the time Obi left, he did not owe any contactor. Obi inherited a total of 13 on-going roads from Ngige and completed them in his first tenure. Obiano inherited more, but has completed only three, meanwhile he has done roads in his home town. He committed little money to projects and concentrated them in his home town, I mean, where is his sense of justice? Where is his sense of equity? Other Governors remembered their people because charity begins at home, but what Ngige and Obi combined did in their towns are not up to 30% of what Obiano has already done in his own town and poised to do even more.

Let him use the remaining six months in his Government to see what he can remedy, rather than giving lame excuses. Ok, Obi awarded 33 roads, yet in his first year of office, he awarded almost the same number of roads in his community. What are his people saying?

Obi left Anambra in the best condition, with over 100 Billion left in the coffers. He should be celebrated.

Sun- Who is your candidate in the coming election?
JmU- My candidate is Mr. Oseloka Obaze.

Sun- Why are you supporting Him?
JmU- I am supporting him for the same reason I believe others are supporting him. From his past, you do not need a prophet to tell you that he is the right man for the seat now. He is coming from rich experience as an international diplomat. He was the SSG in the State, and those that worked with him can attest to his character, principles and deep understanding of the dynamics of governance. He is fair minded and will be trusted to expand development to all the parts of the State rather than concentrate it at Aguleri as we’re presently witnessing. It is even shocking that while Aguleri many roads, neighbouring towns do not have one, example is Umueri. While Aguleri has over 500 appointed aides and are controlling every aspect of the State’s economic life, other communities are being treated as if they are not part of the State.

To illustrate to you what I am saying, do you know that rather than seek alternative solution to power in Aguleri, the Governor evacuated over 50% of the light meant for Awka straight to Aguleri?
Are you aware that he moved the on-going stadium project in Awka to Aguleri?
Are you aware that Mr. Peter Obi conceived a bridge to Oil field through the shortest distance from Umueje, but once he became Governor, he abandoned it and started constructing two bridges from Aguleri.
Is this equity? Is this justice?
He promised to make Awka wear the looks of a modern capital but what we see is his concerted efforts to make Aguleri an urban community. If we leave him further, if he comes back for a second tenure, he will most likely shift the capital of the State to Aguleri! We all owe to ourselves and to our children to stop what can be best described as a disaster. I know Oseloka Obaze very well. I have served with him and I can repeat that he is fair-minded in all the spheres of the word.

Sun- Why are you so sure about him?
JmU- I am speaking from experience. One man once came to my office and swore that he would never serve in any Committee Oseloka would head. I laughed over it and asked him why. The man went on and told me how he wanted everybody to account for the last kobo, how he would keep saying that the money released for the committee work must be accounted for. He asked me if he does not know that in matters of money, we sometimes look the other side. Well this shows you how meticulous the man is. All in all, I think he is an adequate vessel housing the spirit needed to restore the glory of Anambra State now.

Sun- Sir you are so vehement in your assessment of the incumbent, are there more reasons for that?
JmU- The reasons are legion. The only thing he has done well is propaganda.  He has been busy claiming everything. While those on ground are not deceived, he has ended up deceiving other Nigerians. He talked about 5 Million Dollars Ugu export, when Ugu plantations have remained as it used to be. Where on earth could one plant such value of the vegetables in the state? He talked about export of 10 Million tubers of yam when Anambra brings in 80% of the yam they eat from Benue and Taraba States. He talked about over 200 metric tonnes of rice, which is completely fabricated. He talks about attracting 7.5 billion Dollars to Anambra, almost 80% of total FDI inflow into Nigeria within the same period.  Somebody brought advanced flying camera to him, he tested it at the lodge and proclaimed to the entire world that Anambra was using drones to catch criminals.  He inherited over N100 Billion and baptized it “near cash”. As we speak, it is suspected that he has disposed off all the dollars he inherited. He abandoned critical projects that would have changed the face of commerce and hospitality in Nigeria: Agulu Lake hotel, Awka and Nnewi Shooping Malls as well as Onitsha Hotel.  He is busy doing external things that will give attract praises to him from people like street lights; the irony of it is that he is even mounting it on uncompleted roads. Is this how to develop a state? We have a disaster on our hands which we must do away with.

Sun- But contrary to what you are saying, stakeholders in the state seem to be in his support?
JmU- That is exactly what we are saying. Government is about developing states and not seeking individual endorsements to the detriment of the State. He gives goodies in abundance to them, he builds for them. The money given to schools and hospitals are now used for private patronage. Why would they not support him?

Sun- Sir, what agenda would you set for Obaze?
JmU- He knows, as well as we do, that things are no longer going on well in the State. He knows that projects are abandoned. He knows that propaganda has taken the life of the State. He knows that since Obi left, we no longer save. He knows that we have moved from a debt-free to a debtor State. He knows that erosion is threatening many communities. He knows that appointment is now based on nepotism. He knows that all the celebrated attraction of FDIs are in worthless papers as MOUs. He knows he should bring back the 17 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs as the fulcrum of modern development. He knows almost everything about present governance in the state needs complete restructuring.

He has the duty to bring the State back on track. The most important factor is that he has the capacity and the will power to do so.

Sun- Any comment of & billion Naira demand?
JmU- Rather than Obiano tell ndi Anambra what he has done, he is looking for people to blackmail.
It will not work for him.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A MUST READ!! The Team Anambra Must Have

Obaze_Onyemelukwe on a thank you tour; Anam Market.

The Team Anambra Must Have
by Ugochukwu from Nnewi, Images by Chyned

Aside being one of the must respected families in Nnewichi (one of the four quaters of Nnewi) and Nnewi at large, the Onyemelukwe family effortlessly comesby as a family of religious, moral and career excellence. It is not surprising that Lady Barr. Mrs. Chidi Onyemelukwe completely fits into the family pidigree. As a matter of fact, the single most important factor that pre-determines one's behaviour, attitude and character is his/her family name. This is true, no doubt. Otherwise, we would be unable to have any kind of knowledge of a person before we have a chance to relate with them. No doubt there are exceptions like in all cases, but exceptions are not the rule. So one can easily see why our people said that "ana adi mma si na ulo we puo na ama", which can loosely be interpreted as  "one' goodness starts from home and then to public". I am saying that there is general consensus amongst Nnewi people that Onyemelukwe is a name; a brand name you can trust. Now that is the family where Lady Barr. Mrs. Chidi Alexandra Onyemelukwe, the PDP Deputy Governor candidate is married into. I can tell that three out of every seven voters in Nnewi will vote PDP because of  her. Already, the PDP flag bearer; Mr. Oseloka Obaze has variously been evaluated by different bodies and individuals and found to be experienced and set to bring good governance back to Anambra state Government House. Without any iota of uncertainty, Mr. Oseloka Obaze and Lady Chidi Onyemelukwe are by any standard the best combination that will deliver unmatched leadership in Anambra state.

Obaze_Onyemelukwe on a thank you tour; Ojoto, Idemili  South

Now let us also look at the family Lady Barr. Mrs. Chidi Onyemelukwe came from. The PDP Deputy Governor candidate; Lady Barr. Mrs. Chidi Onyemelukwe was born into the family of Dr. Alexanda Ekwueme, former Nigeria's Vice President in the second republic. Without any further effort to illustrate, Lady. Mrs. Chidi immediately passes as a privilleged Nigerian. Like those Nigerians of wealthy and famous parents who does not have to work, much less work hard to earn a living. Some of whom would have nothing to do with Nigeria. But here is Lady Barr. Chidi Onyemelukwe, a successful woman academically, in family and career. Not that it matters, but it is imperative for so many people who have not met or known Lady Chidi Onyemelukwe, to finally have the chance to know her through the perceptions and image of her two families. If Lady Barr. Mrs. Chidi Onyemelukwe eventhough a privillaged Nigerian still works hard academically, in family and in career, to the extent that one can say unequivocally that she standsout as a success, does she not pass as the Deputy Governor Anambra state must have? Her choice as PDP Deputy Governor candidate was a master stroke! A game changer! Here is an intelligent woman; an extremely beautiful woman, with such humility that cannot be described. Even by looking at her, you will see a woman, a leader prepared to deliver uncommon goodness.

Obaze_Onyemelukwe; Because Anambra Deserves Better!  

The time has now come for us to enthrone excellence in governance in Anambra state through voting PDP on November 18.
This is an election that must produce the most inspiring and seasoned Deputy Governor in Anambra and the Southeast. A woman of character is here to join and make Anambra state better.

These days it has become very difficult for young girls to have successful women in political leadership to look up to. Lady Barr. Mrs. Chidi Onyemelukwe will not only make an excellent Deputy Governor, she will meet the need of so many young women for a role model who is successful in career, leadership and family.

Obaze_Onyemelukwe on a thank you tour; Ayamelum. 

Without belabouring the obvious, Lady Chidi Onyemelukwe and Mr. Oseloka Obaze; a man well groomed, prepared and ready to deliver, with towering experience of international repute at the United Nations; when this soft spoken, intelligent, knowledgeable man with a deputy as good as the arrow head emerge, the governor and deputy governor of Anambra state, suffice to say that Anambra will finally be in good hands again, to this fact, there is no single doubt.